Just a quick stop-in today, to let you know that we’ve been sharing live covers throughout the day on the Cover Lay Down Facebook page as we find them: living room and garden takes all, solo and without full bands for the most part, all created in the time of isolation and fear, each as beautiful as the single six-song sample found above.
Blues run the game among these #coversfromhome, for the most part – even the spate of tributes to John Prine and Bill Withers which joined the stream in the past few days have remained soft and sorrowful. But there’s joy here, too – joy in sharing, and helping keep artists afloat; in reaching out, and chatting with the crowd as the music flows by, in the livestreams. And by last count, we had posted over fifty videos in the past two weeks alone, from artists long beloved, and a few new finds, too, that give us renewed hope for the world in which we will emerge, when our chrysalis finally breaks, and we are free again.
Hope everyone’s okay with the fact that – for now at least – we’re skipping the true-blue blog entry, and favoring the short and ongoing burst that Facebook serves. It’s hard to partition time in a stay-at-home world. And as we’ve noted here previously, Facebook is proprietary, making it impossible for us to share the majority of these wonderful, intimate videos here, outside their native form.
So: click through for our Facebook page, and discover the aching, the angry, the tender and the true.
Loneliness and distance are their primary themes, for sure. But none of us are as alone as it feels.
Come join us, and see how rich the world of stay-at-home coverage can be.
Quarantine Interlude: #coversfromhome